Resource Library
The Resource Library from Information Controls is a tool to help you as you develop an understanding of your project. We focus on time and attendance, access control, and document imaging/storage information. Resources include step-by-step guides, brochures with product information, articles from our experts, and videos. Additionally, our experts can help by answering questions through our request forms.
Quickly navigate to the tools you’re looking for!
PDF Brochures, Tips, and Guides

PDF Brochures, Tips, and Guides
Time & Attendance
Attendance on Demand – Update Notice (PDF)
Clock Cleaning Guide (PDF)
Attendance on Demand Brochure (PDF)
WorkSync Brochure (PDF)
Pay on Demand (PDF)
NEW TimeTerminal App (PDF)
TimeTerminal – Medical (PDF)
TimeTerminal – Bank (PDF)
TimeTerminal – Construction (PDF)
BIPA Short steps sheet (PDF)
BIPA Full help sheet (PDF)
Long-term Care time & attendance brochure (PDF)
HandPunch 1000 (PDF)
HandPunch 2000 (PDF)
HandPunch 3000 (PDF)
Handpunch 4000 (PDF)
HandPunch GT-400 (PDF)
IrisID iT100 Time Clock (PDF)
IrisID iT100 Spec Sheet (PDF)
I. T. 3200 (PDF)
I. T. 3100 (PDF)
IntelliTouch 70 (PDF)
Modules Overview (PDF)
Employee Self-Service for Mobile & Desktop (PDF)
Leave Management (PDF)
Incidents and Point Tracking (PDF)
Custom Report Writer (PDF)
Benefit Accruals (PDF)
Access Control
Access Control General Brochure (PDF)
Brivo from Information Controls (PDF)
Eagle Eye Video (PDF)
Update Your Access Control (PDF)
Access Control Considerations Checklist (PDF)
6 Common Security Mistakes (PDF)
Access Control With Time And Attendance (PDF)
Access Control Hendricks Case Study (PDF)